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May 3, 2019

Program - 
Joe Valentine, City Manager, City of Birmingham
City Update

The City Manager serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City and is appointed by the City Commission. The Office of the City Manager coordinates the activities of all City departments and is responsible for:

  • Directing the administration of the City government.

  • Appointing all department heads, with the exception of the City Clerk.

  • Preparation of the annual budget and a long-range capital improvements program.

  • Implementing the policies adopted by the City Commission.

The Office of the City Manager also prepares City Commission meeting agendas and is responsible for the City's public-relations and risk management programs. 

2019.05.03 Joe Valentine.jpg
2019.05.03 Birmingham logo.jpg

May 10, 2019

Program - 
Trevor Brydon, Transportation and Planner for the South East Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)
The new Regional Transportation Plan for SE Michigan. Roads, transit, future needs and vehicles? 

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