Program - Judge Gerald Rosen, U.S. District Court, Eastern District
Detroit Bankruptcy Revisited
January 8, 2016
Judge Gerald E. Rosen, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
Judge Rosen is a Senior partner at Miller Canfield, Paddock, and Stone and in 1990 he was appointed by President George W. Bush to Federal Bench For the Eastern District of Michigan.
In 2013, August, Federal Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes, in the Detroit Bankruptcy case persuaded Judge Rosen to be the mediator between creditors and the City of Detroit.
I think it safe to say that Judge Rosen, in his role as a mediator, not only exceeded expectations but working together with Judge Steven Rhodes will become known in Detroit as the famous "R & R twins”. They will be revered forever in the History of Detroit.
Subject: Detroit Bankruptcy

Discussion - Fred Hansz, SMC Member
Finding Glenn Miller
Can you find Fred?
Fred will review and summarize the many theories surrounding the tragic disappearance of the iconic band leader during the closing days of World War II.
He will then review some documentary footage that covers some of the most reasonable explanations including the one that many believe to be the final answer.

January 15, 2016
Rick Robinson, Exec. Dir. Michigan Campaign Finance Network
Big Money Dominates Michigan Politics
Rob Boyle, Executive Director, Furniture Bank of S.E. Michigan
Furnishing Foundations for Successful Lives and its Challenges
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