July 13, 2018
Program -
Tim P. Page, M.D. - Oakland Opthalmic Surgery
Stories from a Volunteer Eye Surgeon

Dr. Timothy Page is a nationally recognized ophthalmologist specializing in refractive cataract surgery. He has delivered hundreds of lectures across North America on the topic of eye surgery including an annual invitation to Harvard University and the University of Michigan.
He has received national awards including “Best Doctors in America” and U.S. News and World Report “Top Doctors” over the last five consecutive years. In Michigan, he was elected by his peers as president of the Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and surgeons. Locally, he is an Hour Magazine “Hall of Fame Top Doc”, and Ambassador Magazine “Top Doc”.
An accomplished scientific author and inventor, Dr. Page has pioneered surgical concepts in ophthalmic surgery. He holds several ophthalmic patents, and in 2016 he was awarded a First Place award for “New Techniques in Cataract Surgery” by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. His concepts are being developed in Europe and the United States for safer surgery and better patient outcomes.
Grateful for his occupation, Dr. Page is a dedicated humanitarian. As the team leader, he has led hundreds of volunteer doctors and nurses into remote regions of East Africa providing sight-restoring surgery to the blind. He has received the American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award, the Michigan State Medical Society Foundation Outstanding Community Service Award, the William Beaumont Hospital Outstanding Physician and Humanitarian Award, and the Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons Outstanding Service Award. He also led Booth Park volunteer renovation in Birmingham which led to the State of Michigan Community Service Award.
He met his wife Jill while in medical school, and they have 3 sons in college one attending the Ross Business School at the University of Michigan, another attending West Point, and another is a collegiate swimmer at Williams College in Massachusetts. Their daughter is enrolled at Holy Name grade school in Birmingham.

July 20, 2018
Program -
Gus Mondalek - International Affairs Expert
Hezbollah in the Americas
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