June 2, 2017

Program -
Keith Famie, Executive Producer, Visionalist Entertainment Productions
Living Life through the Lens *
* This program will be continued after lunch via a Discussion Group format to facilitate additional discussion and Q&A
Director/Producer Keith Famie takes the audience through an in-depth personal and insightful look at documentary filmmaking. From inside an operating room for a total knee replacement, the early morning hours with Gift of Life as a heart is being taken from a donor, or at the top of a mountain in Sardinia with aging men and a doctor there trying to understand why they live so long, the stories have touched thousands.
We step into the lives of amputee veterans and a blind major from Special Forces, as well as a journey with a young cancer patient whose wish is to have her ashes reach the ocean in a small 3 ft. sailboat crafted by a blind carpenter.
How does he choose a story? Why does he make documentaries? What responsibilities does a filmmaker have? What are the seven points of film producing that he lives by?
On June 2nd for the Birmingham Mens Club event at The Community House Keith will offer a spirited talk about several of his productions as well as the two current films, “ENLISTED” and “On the Front Lines of Alzheimer’s”.
Keith’s documentaries have garnered him and his team of Visionalist Entertainment Productions eleven Michigan Emmy’s and several nominations, as well as many other nationally recognized awards for his inspirational storytelling.

June 9, 2017
Program -
Christy McDonald, MiWeek Anchor, DPTV
The Changing Role of Journalism in Southeast Michigan
Visit Our Website at: http://www.seniormensclubbirmingham.com/