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October 26, 2018

Program - 
Leslie Pielak, Director, Birmingham Museum
2018 Bicentennial Celebration of Birmingham's Founding
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Leslie Pielack has been the Museum Director at the Birmingham Museum since 2010 and has worked to refresh the museum’s image and bring in new audiences.  


She has been active in the field for many years since completing her graduate work in historic preservation, providing consultation services for historical organizations and archival collections.  She is also past adjunct professor at University of Detroit-Mercy’s School of Architecture.  


Leslie is a dual career professional with a part-time private practice in Counseling as well as her historic preservation interest. She finds that psychology and historic preservation are very compatible in approaching museum work and helping objects tell interesting stories, and has just published the book, The Saginaw Trail: From Native American Path to Woodward Avenue.

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November 2, 2018 - No Meeting

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