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March 2, 2018 

For 15 years, Mary Warner-Stone volunteered and fundraised for the Durand Union Station, Inc.  Mary joined the Policy and Procedures Committee.  In 2011 she was hired as Executive Director overseeing day to day management of the historic building.  Additionally, she established a quilt pattern design business, lecturing throughout the United States.


Previously, she worked in the banking and mortgage industry from 1984 to 2001.  Mary is a past president of Durand Rotary Club, as well as founding member and coordinator of Historic Shiawassee, a group of non-profits committed to the promotion of historical entities in Shiawassee County.


Growing up in Durand, Michigan, Mary graduated in 1986 from Lansing Community College with a Business Management degree.

Program - 
Mary Warner-Stone, Executive Director
Durand Union Station: Its History and Future
Michael Boudro, Curator, Michigan Railroad Museum
Designing & Building a Railroad Museum
Monthly Discussion Group -  (NEW FOR 2018 - Discussion Group Meets the First Friday of Every Month at 12:45)
Fred Hansz, SMCB Member
Heavy Trucks on Michigan Highways

Michael Boudro grew up inside the Union Station, accompanying his mother when she worked as an Amtrak agent.  His dedication and infectious enthusiasm have shaped the attractive Durand Union Station exhibits since 2011 including the Margaret Zdunic Archives and manage the museum's rebirth.   


Michael graduated from U of M Flint in 2013 with degrees in History and Anthropology.  In 2017 he received his Master’s in Museum Studies from the University of Oklahoma.  Before the museum, Michael was an educator with a focus on the famed Durand High School "Marching Railroaders," winning six Michigan State Championships as performer and educator.  Many of his former students continue to volunteer at DUSI helping expand and run the museum, gaining an appreciation of how railroads and life work.

Durand Union Station Director Mary Warner-Stone and DUSI’s newly hired curator and archivist, Michael Boudro, examine a ledger containing Battle Creek railroad employee records from the 1890s In the Michigan Railroad History Museum’s Margaret Zdunic Archives.

Do Heavy Trucks Really Damage Michigan Highways?  Fred Hansz has over 50 years engineering experience in the trucking industry having worked with all of major vehicle builders, highway fleets and component suppliers.  He has been deeply involved with the Society of Automotive Engineers, The American Trucking Association and other industry action groups. In addition, Fred has worked on engineering projects with both the Texas and Michigan State Highway Departments. 


Fred’s in-depth knowledge makes him the ideal meeting facilitator as we have our lively discussion on this important subject. Please join us this Friday after lunch. Thank You. 

March 9, 2018 

Program - 
Stephen Schram, Executive Director, Michigan Radio
You are the “Public” in Public Radio
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