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Computer Group Responsibilities


The Computer Group committee consists of a Chairman, 2 Vice Chairmen and committee members:  Tom Allen as Chairman, and Ron Denton and Jon Haber as Vice Chairmen. 


The objective of the group is to provide timely computer and electronic device information that will be of greatest interest to the SMC members.  The meetings are open to SMC members as well as guests. Topics on both PC, android  and Apple operating systems are presented. Topics are recommended by the committee and SMC members at large and are selected by the committee. Qualified speakers are then selected to present information in their area of expertise. 


Computer Group announcements are published in The Reminder each month and announced at two consecutive SMC Friday meetings prior to the Computer Group monthly meetings. 


SMC members with an interest in computers are welcome and encouraged to join the Computer Group.


Tom Allen (updated 1/28/22 jnk)

Computer Group

How to Effectively
Use an IPAD
(or any other computing device)
Rod's Computers
Windows 10 Upgrade
Rod's Computer
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