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Mike Murphy, Political Consultant and son of Joe Murphy
Our Future Under the President Elect (Skyping from Los Angeles)
January 20, 2017

Mike Murphy is one of the Republican Party’s most successful political media consultants, having handled strategy and advertising for more than 26 successful gubernatorial and Senatorial campaigns, including 12 wins in “blue” states that have consistently voted Democratic in the last two Presidential elections. Murphy has been called a “media master” by Fortune magazine, the GOP’s “hottest media consultant” by Newsweek, and the leader of a “new breed” of campaign consultants by Congressional Quarterly.
Murphy’s past campaign experience includes serving as senior strategist for both John McCain’s first campaign for President in 2000 and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s historic election as Governor of California. He served under Roger Ailes on the media team for President George H.W. Bush’s campaign in 1988 as well as serving as chief consultant for the successful Senate and Gubernatorial campaigns of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Terry Branstad, Lamar Alexander, Jeff Sessions. Slade Gorton, Christie Todd Whitman, Dirk Kempthorne, Tommy Thompson and John Engler. During the 2016 election cycle, he served as CEO and chief strategist for Right to Rise USA, the SuperPAC supporting Jeb Bush. Murphy has advised political leaders in six foreign countries. A partner in the Washington DC based Revolution Agency, Murphy has been a strategy and communications consultant for companies including HP, Home Depot, Facebook, Wal-Mart, H&R Block, Devon Energy and trade groups representing America’s Life Insurance, Health Insurance and Banking industries.
Murphy was born in Detroit, Michigan and attended the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Murphy serves as a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. In addition to his consulting practice, Murphy also works as a writer/producer in the entertainment industry. He and his wife Tiffany and their daughter Audrey live in Los Angeles California.
January 27, 2017
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Hon. Gerald Rosen, Federal Judge
Detroit Bankruptcy
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