September 22, 2017

Program -
Adam Wyganta, Manager - Oil, Gas & Minerals Div, State of Michigan
Fracking in Michigan
Adam Wygant is a geologist and Section Chief for the DEQ Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division Permitting and Technical Services Section. This section is responsible for administration of the state's statutes involving: oil & gas, non-ferrous metallic mining, metallic iron mining, sand dune mining, mineral wells, gas storage, and deep injection wells.
He currently represents the State of Michigan on the Shale Gas Caucus of the Environmental Council of the States working on national shale gas issues including produced water issues and methane/VOC emission reductions. Adam also serves on the Groundwater Protection Council’s FracFocus workgroup to make continual improvements on national chemical disclosure for hydraulic fracturing, and is member of their Risk Based Data Management System national steering committee for management of oil, gas, and injection related data.
Personally, he enjoys most outdoor activities, caving, and rock collecting.

September 29, 2017
Program -
Richard K. Studley, President & CEO, Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Petition Drives & Ballot Proposals
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